Thank you for this information, it is very helpful. I am trapped in Texas trying to get out and this is a good resource in deciding where to go.

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I started the year saying I'd be looking to move if Texas ever ticked over to the darkest shade on your map.

Somehow though, I want to stay, even if the state government is abhorrent.

I guess I'll let the chips fall post election. If Harris can pull through, I'll be hopeful that federal protections might come and that courts may become less conservative over time. If Trump wins I've got to handle the writing on the wall and get somewhere bluer to ride things out.

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Thank you Erin for these maps and articles. It sounds like it was a very good idea to put Texas in the worst category, not only due to Odessa but also what is going on with driver licenses. Absolutely deplorable. The state legislators should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves.

The main question, as it has been all along, regarding the national risk is whether and to what extent the blue states - especially the larger more powerful ones - might try to resist national anti-LGBTQ and anti-trans laws which would surely come quickly from a Trump presidency especially if a compliant Congress is elected as well. Will states like CA, NY, IL, MN and so on still be able to provide protections for their residents if the worst happens on a national level? No one seems to know for sure. The situation does look grim, unless the elections turn out better than we think.

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I think it depends on the law. For schools, Trump will absolutely pull funding and so blue states will have little ability to resist. For hormone therapy, there may be more ability, though disruptions could be dire.

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Erin, or readers with direct experience, what's the legal danger for trans minors using the restroom that matches or best suits their gender, in states with adult trans bathroom bans? We live in NYC and have two Trans teens. Have (supportive) extended family in KY and KS and plan to drive to see them over winter break. No way we can avoid public restrooms that whole route, and KY, MO and KS all have bathroom bans ... for adults. If my (amab) femme and NB kiddos go with me (cis-female, mom) into women's restroom, are we safe, legally? I realize hostility is still possible if anyone clocks us, but legally, just in case?

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The bans in those states have little to no enforcement mechanisms. Still I would plan around using bathrooms in major cities where the population will be less hostile to trans people.

In Texas and Florida the situation is a bit different.

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TYSM for responding, and for these maps and all of your reporting!!

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Starbucks is everywhere and they generally have single gender neutral bathrooms. They saved us when traveling with my kid who would just try and hold it.

I don’t know where your family is in Kansas, but Lawrence has passed safe haven laws. Of course the state laws are terrible.

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If we can't get some solid protections in place at the federal level, every red state will end up like Florida and Texas eventually. If Republicans sweep the election... might as well candy-stripe the whole bloody country.

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Would love to see a break down of the best states so I can make a decision of where to move if I ever figure out how to escape Texas.

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Really appreciate this and all your hard work to keep us informed on trans-related issues!

One thing stands out to me: WA is in the "safest" category for trans adults but "low risk" for youth. Are there specific reasons for the difference?

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Same question! I'm about to look through old maps and see if I can tell what's up.

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I am curious what the legal recourse is in safe states if there is a federal ban on adult HRT... Can't seem to get a clear answer on what happens when state and federal law conflict? I always thought that federal law supersedes states.

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I'm not a legal expert by far, but I've heard many people point out that Dobbs has established the precedent of "Leave it to the states" and we can hope that the Supreme Court will stick to that.

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Thanks again, Erin, for all you have done and continue to do.

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Thank you for the update.

Rev. Susie B Smith

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Excellent, as always 🙏

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I’m sorry if this is answered somewhere; I’ve looked but am not familiar with substack. Does anyone know why WA is dark blue for adults but light blue for youth? A friend is contemplating moving there with a trans kiddo. Either way it would be a huge improvement over their current state, but if they’re moving anyway, now wondering if somewhere else would be a better choice. (Also, many thanks, Erin!)

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I have a friend whose trans young adult is relocating from a high protection state to North Carolina to be with their partner. Obviously the ideal would be for the partner to relocate to the high protection state, but it’s not possible. Does anyone have any insights or suggestions about support organizations or communities? They’ll be in the Wilmington area.

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I am wondering how "safe" the 'safe' states really are/will be? How much will reach trump be able to have?

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Erin, thank you again for your journalism, research, and support.

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I'm a truck driver and my work keeps offering me loads going into the South. I may share this to better explain why I feel that it's unsafe for me to travel there

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