It took a court case to establish this? Where are we living? 1952?

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It seems so simple, right? Can you even imagine a lawmaker explaining to their kid why they passed a law permitting and condoning hatred and hostility? Crazy times indeed.

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The cruelty is the point.

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Right? I can't believes we've come to this. I know the transgender community is the main target. But really? When parents are trying to argue hat their child has the right to bully other children based on religious beliefs, even beyond just being a good human being, do they not see how terrible of a precedent that is?

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There's no hate like Christian love

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They are going to lose this fight against human rights, ultimately. We must be vigilant, but it will happen.

Dinosaurs, my friends. They are dinosaurs, and we are the asteroid.

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I don’t know, I like dinosaurs. Now if ticks went extinct…

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Yet their assaults are relentless. The Oklahoma governor issued an edict narrowly restricting gender definitions specifically to discriminate against transgender people. And so it goes. Sigh.

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If you have a"sincerely held religious belief" to harm, disrespect and bully please stay home and examine (change) that and don't venture out in public as you are a public safety hazard

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Thank you for this! I needed this today :)

[Need to read fully shortly]

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Thank you for covering this!!! As a transgender activist, its the most useful source I have to arm myself with facts.

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There’s no defense, these bullies are horrible people.

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Put that in your pipe and smoke it, GG!!

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This ‘sincerely held religious belief’ thing is going to kill me. They got caught up in conspiracy theories and astroturfed political manipulate. Their churches are part of it. I guess any belief, even one that was disseminated by qanon, can be a ‘religious belief’ but in what universe does a religious belief give you the right to violate rules that apply to everyone but that are harmful to other people?

We need to tax all the churches. No one will have the courage but they have become political instruments.

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I wonder if these parents understand that, if they open up others to discrimination as they are attempting to do, that they are opening themselves up as well?

For sake of argument, let's say I'm a Buddhist, and I've raised my children in the Buddhist religion. In Buddhism there is no God. Therefore, by their logic, I could also claim a "sincere religious belief" that leads to my children bullying theirs by making fun of their belief in a God.

Where would it end? It won't. We humans hold many beliefs, and my holding of different beliefs than you does not give me the right to bully you about yours, even if I disagree with them.

Discrimination helps no one other than those who wish to hold power over others, force their beliefs upon others, and justify their extremely harmful and traumatic actions against others.

I'm happy to see the courts upholding the rights of trans, and by extension others, right to live free of harrassment.

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By this, one can only reasonably infer that Parents Defending Education harbor the sincere desire to see trans kids to take their own lives.

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To think that this is even a discussion

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Does anyone know if a federal lawsuit is risky because if it goes to SCOTUS, they will make up some absurd justification for something completely evil?

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