If I were Rose, I’d sue for defamation.

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Seriously! This is getting old, and it's putting so many of us in danger. Conservatives are vengeful as hell and now people they follow are spewing disinformation that a trans woman tried to kill their god.

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I was just telling someone the other day after the shooting before I saw a picture they’ll make the shooter transgender and they start up this hateful rhetoric and well again be the target as usual!! Sad times!!

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I'm kinda surprised it took them this long to pounce tbh, usually they flood the conversation with misinformation within a matter of hours, not days

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Me too and the X echo chamber certainly won't remove it because it's false.

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It was only a matter of time. Their base will eat it up because there isn't a critical thought in their head, and they already hate us.

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Predictable, I also knew they’d try to go here

If they push the lie enough it’ll drown out the fact it was a republican cishet white male

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The REAL shooter was literally the poster boy for right wing gun nuttery and chaos. He was a registered REPUBLICAN. Yet the Right continues to demonize our side and lie, lie, lie about the shooter. Because "Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty" is 100% Republican policy nowadays.

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im so glad that Rose is maintaining a positive attitude, but the resilience fatigue she may be bearing must be too real and exhausting. love and well wishes of safety to all my trans siblings during these absurdly asinine times.

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I am very concerned for her safety and would gladly offer to let her take refuge in one of the places I have access to

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Oh for fuck's sake... this is getting farcical. If the shot that hit Cheetolini's ear was actually a meteorite that smacked him in the head after a merry four billion year cruise around the solar system, they'd still find a way to blame it on a trans person, wouldn't they?

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We still don't know what injured his ear. They refuse to release a medical report. He might have cut his ear when he was pulled to the ground by the secret service. We do however know what it benefits the Republicans most for the public to believe.

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I'm getting really fucking tired of everything that's wrong about America being blamed on a an infinitesimally small number of people who are already pushed to the margins. It's just pure fucking trolling at this point not even to be taken seriously. And as someone here already suggested, damn right she should sue.

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MAGA Republicans never let facts get in the way of a good story. And by good, I mean terrible.

I suspect they get a queasy feeling if they ever accidentally tell the truth.

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> I suspect they get a queasy feeling if they ever accidentally tell the truth.

Sort of like a reverse Marta Cabrera (from Knives Out), right?

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Thank you for this vital information for your audience & our community

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Did you see that they all had on “ear tags” like she sheeple cult they are at the rally? Not surprised that they believe anything you tell them.

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They might as well have ear patches on both ears and their eyes as well since they are willingly deaf and blind.

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LOUD CURSING!!! I KNEW the second I saw the video some A$$HOLE was going to come up with this. AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGGG!!! Keeping my chainsaw by the door.

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Thanks Erin. Rose, keep up the good attitude.

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Most of this is political theater of the most sorid kind. And it is simply evil, preying on the fears and anxieties of their cult members to demonize a community that is already stuggling from mounting descrimination of the worst kind -- and violence. I don't pretend to have an answer, but part of the solution is understanding what it is about "trans-ness" that arouses such fury among the right? It is clearly not trans-people; the majority of the cult formerly know as the Republican party probably doesn't know anyone that is transgender, (or don't know that they know). If we can solve the puzzle of why transgender people can be singled out as the demon-of-the-day, ( just as all LGBTQ folks were regarded just a generation ago), perhaps we can make progress to break this cycle of hate and descrimination. I like to be positive, but ideas and policies that were on the lunatic fringe just a few years ago are mainstream in the Republican platform. It will be grim if they come into power.

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I don't see a puzzle. The right needs a bogey man to divert attention from its own evil doings and unite or energize it's bass. We're such a small minority it's easy to pick on us and hard for us to fight back. Most people don't know or aren't aware that they know a trans person who would surely counteract the stereotype that the religious organizations are peddling. People are very gullible and fear what they don't understand.

Immigrants are being targeted too and have been since this country started. Gays folks have been targeted too with greater or lesser intensity from one election cycle to the next.

My best solution is a massive public outreach campaign to show trans folk for who they really are.

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I generally agree with you but I think there is something else at play here, an insecurity among a large slice of the public concerning their own sexuality and gender, (many conflate the two), and many on the right feel that insecurity -- and perhaps, shame. That is why the response to trans-folk can be so virelent from the MAGA crowd. We need to find a way to explain and gain acceptance to the fact that sex and gender are not fixed and only contain two options. Howver, this anti-trans campaign is not about facts or knowledge, although that would certainly help. It is about emotions, a kind of mass hysteria. Bulter explained it well in her recent book, "Who's Afraid of Gender" but I haven't gotten to the part of that tome that explains what to do about it.

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I concur if you want to get into the psychology behind people's biases there's plenty to unpack on the subject of trans hate. I'm very curious to know what percentage of that bias is really due to the influence of disinformation and lies perpetrated by conservative groups including Christian groups.

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A good question. We know that targeting trans-folk is a coordinated effort ginned up in the conference rooms of organizations like the Heritage Foundation and Alliance Defending Freedom, (the right, apparently, has no sense of irony). That well-funded, (ADF has around 500 lawyers on staff) propaganda machine undoubtedly has impact. I also think that the idea of gender become a catch-all for the discomfort many Americans has with social change off many kinds. Again, I recommend J. Butler on this topic if you don't mind the dense academic language she uses to express these ideas. Thanks for the conversation!

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It was only a matter of time…

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Gotta be at least a few million worth in defamation.

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They want so badly to run us over with a bus. They need to find justification for their hatred. This will cause a lot of us to develop PTSD.

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