Jul 12Liked by Erin Reed

All of us are very glad, Erin, that you put the time and effort into exposing the rampant misinformation in the press wrt transgender medicine. It is pathetic that our country has come to this.

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It... takes a lot lol.

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I can imagine. I was allowed to give a presentation at work about the disinformation and general picture media and politics tends to paint about transpeople in The Netherlands.

When my country banked hard extreme-right and within one month of a new part of our government upped it's transphobia by 700% in just motions and remarks alone, I suddenly realized I work at a TV station and decided I had a little bit of power to change things from the inside out.

The 30th of May was the presentation, but looking up all the sources and repeatedly glossing over the disgusting stuff I had to cite took a toll on me.

I have decided to now write about it on my website as well, including creating a paper that colleagues can look through and click on a subject they want to know more about.

We have our own misinformation researchers in The Netherlands unfortunately.

And I predicted how a House of Representatives member would show up at the anti-trans conference held at the 27th of June, along with predicting that another member formerly with a different party switched parties because she was such a rabid transphobe, and that turned out to be true as well.

Sometimes I hate my political compass...

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Jul 12Liked by Erin Reed

The amount of work put into this piece is astonishing. Thanks for all you do, Erin!

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Thank you. I worked my butt off on this today!

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Jul 12Liked by Erin Reed

That is extremely evident!

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Jul 13Liked by Erin Reed

I think this is the first email I had to click "see full article" or something like that in gmail to actually read the whole thing.

Well done. :)

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Yeah lol... I got the notification it was too long.

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As a scientist, I find it hilarious how TERFs want to been seen as on the side of “science” and “biology”, yet their anti-scientific drivel is constantly getting dunked by the actual experts, because the science reinforces the efficacy of GAC for trans people who need it, unequivocally.

Enjoy your spot in the opinion section of the funny papers, Pamela 💅

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Unfortunately only a few of us are scientists and really understand that the New York times is publishing lies. New York times reputation hasn't completely fallen into the gutter yet so some people may actually think that this piece was based on fact.

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You do such important work. Progressives need to know that The Gray Lady is an unrepentant TERF.

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Damn she figured me out, I'm just pretending because (checks notes), I wanted to endanger the relationship I cherish deeply; the potential of loosing all my friends and family; making my work life more difficult; walking in public more dangerous; now, not being able to safely travel to many states in the US; wanting a large portion of the world to distort my existence for their personal political gain.

Damn she really figured me out.

Also needles as desistance... I mean I hated needles before transitioning, but I like HRT a hell of a lot more than I hate needles (and you don't actually need needles).

Fuck NYT for publishing this quack.

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Thanks for shredding another NYTs piece.

Same old story. You'd think the times would care more about repeatedly having their opinion writers shredded. That is, unless they don't care because there is some other secondary gain for them.

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Christ, not this shit again…

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This is so iconically phrased:

"Like Paul’s previous work, her latest piece utilizes a “Gish Gallop” approach, spreading several false and misleading claims throughout a lengthy article, making a comprehensive fact check challenging. This fact-check will highlight clear examples of her most egregious errors and disinformation to illustrate the lack of consideration for truth that, some may argue, was intentionally woven into the article."

"She's trying to prevent a fact check. Welp. Here's my fact check."

Lmao hell yes Erin! Get her!

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I also wonder about the motivation to publish this piece. You did what the NYT editors are supposed to do - fact check. Who benefits by publishing this article?

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They'll claim it's opinion, not needing to be checked, and at the same time claim this as evidence that they're "balanced."

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Rich people and Republicans benefit.

Rich people enjoy the benefits of a dividend society arguing about culture differences instead of being angry at the capitalists fleecing everyone's pockets (basically why MLK was assassinated, he started pointing out that poor black people and poor white people aren't so different (yes this is a gross simplification))

Republicans, well because they work for the rich people hoping they'll get a bit more rich themselves (See Clarence Thomas or my other favorite, Greg Abbott. Abbott got a massive pay day for being injured, he then proceeded to restrict the same type of payday he got for anyone else after he became governor)

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Judges and their emotional support billionaires.

It's touching to see how they work in unison, often wordlessly anticipating each other's needs. Each would be lost without the other.

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Plain and simple it's the Fox News formula for success.

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> "Especially given growing concerns about the risks and irreversible consequences of gender interventions for youths, including bone density loss, possible infertility, the inability to achieve orgasm and the loss of functional body tissue and organs including breasts, genitals and reproductive organs?"

Technically, these actually are growing concerns, Paul just leaves out the fact that the "growing concerns" are amongst laypeople who mistake Paul's articles as anything other than fiction. Pamela, you can't cite "growing concerns" as some sort of hand-waving "evidence" if they're concerns you're growing with your own disinformation

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Right?! I can't believe there are concerns after these jackasses made raising concerns their entire purpose in life! How'd that happen?!


Some of these haters wouldn't be able to figure out how the living room caught on fire even if they were still holding the empty gas can and a lit Zippo.

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I don't give her credit for any technical accuracy, for the record, just pointing out the irony of her (Paul's) suggestion

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Imagine telling on yourself about your ignorance about trans people as badly as saying "transitioned people cant orgasm."

Also, what are we, desexualized husks of humans or infinitely lecherous monster predatora? Being both is kind of impossible.

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IMHO, Pamela Paul is in serious need of psychological treatment to get at the root of her obsession and obvious deep seated anxiety over other people’s gender identities. Why is she obsessed with how or whether other people achieve orgasm? She’s a troubled person.

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Jul 14·edited Jul 14

Hate filled people always get rather obsessed about their hate targets; bullies are always obsessed over their victims. And also they are terrified by them.

It's the realisation that slowly dawns on all bullies that they have crossed to the dark side, and there is no way back, so the only thing they can do is fight with ever greater ferocity to try to keep the victims down, and help the dark side win.

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Well, I've posted this in three places on FB (my own page, an anti-DJT group with thousands of members, and an "LGBTQ+ for Democracy" group). I'll keep disseminating.

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Once again, the New York Times is showing that its highest aspiration of journalistic integrity is to someday be mentioned in the same breath as Der Stürmer.

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I was a subscriber to the times for 25 years. I unsubscribed because of their awful coverage of trans issues. I've come to learn there is no "good" corporate media. There are just hacks who disseminate propaganda to the masses, swaddled in 'left' or 'right' wrapping paper. Thank you for combatting this misinformation from The Times. It's a grave injustice to folks just trying to exist.

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Also, has the NYTimes ever published one of your responses as a letter or an oped? Have you submitted it?

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