
We're going to continue to see these tactics of flooding the field with false information and poor studies. Nevermind the hundreds of studies that support transgender care (Eyeroll). They will keep trying to pull out that "one" article, trying to wave it triumphantly before the masses and are quickly shot down by legitimate researchers and studies. The vast majority of studies supports transgender individuals and their identities.

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Couldn't be a clearer sign that their aims are political, not good science. We all know that. Some of them know that. Most couldn't tell you the difference between good science and propaganda. They don't care. Science isn't a tool that serves their ends.

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Agreed that their aims are political and not scientific. It’s just like the bell curve, but with trans people instead of black people.

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I see nothing being shot down. Shot down where? Those folks aren't blasting it through the same media that is putting out the garbage. I'm so tired of this.

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There is some really sad data entangled in all of the misinformation (trans care helps but regardless, data suggest that being trans can be tough). A civilized people would see that and want to help.

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Historically, cultures that have called themselves “civilized” have done everything in their power to defend patriarchy and erase lgbtq people. Using fake science to try and eradicate trans people is peak “civilized” behavior

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One of the many upsetting things about this weaponized misinformation is that it puts pressure on trans people to hide our mental health struggles so they aren't used to deny care.

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I just learned about "Brandolini’s law" recently:

‘The amount of energy needed to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude greater than that needed to produce it.’

We're gonna need more Erins.

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I disagree. It’s at least two orders of magnitude.

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From the article: "The comparison of transgender people who have had surgery with cisgender people rather than other transgender people is a relatively common mistake." Given the frequency, is it actually a "mistake"? Or intentional?

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It doesn't take a degree to notice that they're comparing apples to grapes.

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More like apples to dragons

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It’s a bigoted political hit job disguised as a study, not unlike the bell curve.

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"I'm still standin', Yeah, Yeah Yeah…" after forty-seven years. And NONE of the transsexual people I know are contemplating suicide. Rather, as we grow old, it's about a life well-lived as a contributor to society, versus being a lost, alienated and deeply troubled individual trying to survive. THAT sounds much more like a candidate for suicide.

So, rather than worry about who and where people spend about 2 minutes in a public bathroom, the much bigger question is, "How do we facilitate ALL people to reach their full potential?"

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Fun fact: people who went to the hospital after taking flu medication were more likely to die of the flu than people who didn’t have the flu! Ban flu medicine and end flu deaths!

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At this point, there is so much misinformation and junk “science” flooding the media, and almost all of it has political or bigotry objectives….intentionally trying to hurt or marginalize trans people - especially when spread by right-wing media. The only solution I can see is to counteract the hate and misinformation with equally visible and cogent counterpoints, and insist that media outlets air our side of the story. Erin - I know that’s exactly what you’re trying to do and everyone appreciates it!

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Why even bother using even these bs studies at this point if they just accept any garbage that supports their message. At this point I think their supporters will eat anything they say regardless. Might as well just write "I hate trans people" on a mcdonald's napkin.

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You're absolutely right that the haters don't care about the facts- but disinformation is also an important weapon in their arsenal against us... because they know (or, at least, the more intelligent monsters among them know) that the real science exists, and that in order to successfully push their agenda in certain arenas, they need something to present which 𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘭𝘦𝘴 science to use as ammunition.

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If you can't get the science to agree with you about the people you hate, no problem! Just make up your own science. Next, burn the real science so that your science will be the only science. Then the 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭 fun starts!

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This is just laughably ridiculous. It reminds me of the stuff creationists used to do, like claim dinosaur and human footprints were found side-by-side at Paluxy River, or claim "moon dust" showed a young universe.

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I don't know if there is a study comparing suicide rates of trans people in countries that affirm trans identity versus those that don't or those where transgender folk are simply not allowed to exist.

The overwhelming reason we wish to end our lives stems more from the lack of support and acceptance from society, government, schools, family and employers and very little if at all from lack of self acceptance.

The required therapy and other preparation that we endure before surgery should be helping us to accept the imperfections that we simply can't change.

How about doing a study of suicide risk among transgender patients who were refused gender affirming surgeries.

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I, too, would like to see a study comparing states where we’re allowed to thrive versus states where we’re not allowed to exist.

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Typical tactics of fascists.

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Thanks again, Erin, for catching this. They will use every trick and lie to amplify their messages of hate and you give us the info to counter those messages.

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Thank you for this! I've recently seen the "leak" from WPATH on Environmental Progress - even "The Guardian" seemed concerned - thank goodness we have Erin here posting truth!

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If anyone at SpaceX used such egregiously misleading statistical analysis, Musk would fire them immediately.

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