This map is invaluable to me. It gives me the ability to contact friends and family in states and share politicians contact info for them to contact. It also raises my awareness about how fortunate I am to live in Oregon.

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Erin - these maps are so helpful and your work is so appreciated! Perhaps you’re already doing this, but a major criterion for a state’s inclusion in the dark blue category should possibly be its perceived willingness/ability to resist future federal anti-trans legislation or executive orders (or provide a safe sanctuary from those), should the country be faced with a GOP presidency and/or Congress in early 2025.

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Erin I'm very thankful for these maps. My partner and I were able to use them to help ensure we applied to graduate programs only within safe states.

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Thank you for your reporting! Is this article shareable with non-subscribers, or is there a summary of it on your social media somewhere? Some of the folks who may benefit (or be challenged) by seeing this info aren’t subscribers, but I would love to be able to share at least some of this info with them, even if to say “if you’re wondering why my family doesn’t visit your state more often, here’s why.” Thank you!

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I would like to ask a question of all my siblings. I feel that my gender dysphoria of which only started to bother me and consume me when I turned 48. I am now 70 and have been on and off Estradiol for 20 years. My gender dysphoria all but disappeared after I had a surgically necessary orchy due to a neurological issue. I tried to resume life by stopping injections and started on Androjel which is a testosterone replacement. Within about a year my gender started to bother me again. I fought for about five years and denied being trans. I even had top surgery to remove my beloved girls. I started on Estrodial again a year later, but a very low dose 1mg and discontinued Androjel. My GD started to reduce and I was fairly comfortable for another year. Then GD started to ramp up. I tried once again at the insistence of a doctor to try testosterone replacement again. It drove me through the roof. At that point I decided to transition to a comfortable place for me. I am now on Estrodial full dose and feel great. Ok here is the question. Is this anyone elses experience and if so, why are we not coming forward and describing this to the world in a clear not argumentative way?

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How do you interpret the fact that 19

Republican AGs filed an amicus brief in support of the state this fall in a lawsuit challenging FL’s rules requiring all gender-affirming care to be provided in person by doctors (effectively barring 80% of trans adults from receiving care)? I read it as a tell that those AGs were likely to implement similar restrictions.

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Thank you so much for what you do. There is a typo in the intro: it should be that when the map was first developed, laws targeting *youth* were far more common. Currently it says that ones targetting *adults* were more common, and goes on to say that they have become more common (still).

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Please be more harsh to Massachusetts. They have been slowly implementing barriers to care over the last two years (things like allowing prior authorizations every single month for HRT which cause gaps between refills) and the cost of living is causing record levels homelessness. We also have well organized and well funded hate groups like Massachusetts Family Institute that the state is allowing to flourish unchecked as they try to change public school curriculum, shut down drag shows (sometimes successfully), and petition for anti-LGBT+ legislation. I am not going to pretend it’s Florida up here, but I think Massachusetts needs to be taken down a level.

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Hi! I’m wondering if you can speak about the anti-trans ballot initiative in CA some and the odds of it passing?

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To anyone's knowledge, has a transgender person been arrested unwillingly or willingly with Florida's trans-racist discriminatory laws?

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sharing for our community members in Kansas (The 802 United).

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