How are post-op trans people supposed to survive without HRT? Osteoporosis, cancers, poor quality of life the list goes on is what they face. How is it legal to doom them like that?

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How are YOU holding up? What can we do to support you (other than sharing your Substack far and wide!)

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If you were in a position to give guidance to a big corporation as to how they could use their position to better support trans rights, what do you suggest? We've seen how states have attempted to punish corporations for speaking up about inclusiveness (like Florida with Disney), but is there a way to frame the debate in a different way, to persuade companies that it is actually financially smarter to be MORE humane and inclusive, and that it's a bad idea to keep quiet about these cruel legislations??? ...I REALLY REALLY REALLY appreciate all the work you do! Thank you! ❤️️

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This is basically what I was going to ask. My company is a fantastic company with regards to trans rights and inclusivity. However they have been silent on the anti LGBTQ bills and the anti Abortion bills in Indiana. After the fact on the later a statement went out to employees that they would be hear to support there employees including travel costs etc. for anyone who needs to travel for care. So far, The ACLU has used the pEnce RFRA Law to block it from going into effect (that's the best use of a RFRA Law that I have seen). Back in 2019 companies in my state rallied against a terrible hate crime bill that still issued without gender identity with large ads in the local papers.

So how do we get on our companies to step up and combine with other large companies to support their email with a statement. Why are they all so quiet! We have several thousand employees in Indianapolis and over 100,000 world wide... We are writing letters to DEI and Management some putting videos together too. But it's not as though they are not aware of what is happening, how do we get them to take local action! We are 100% CEI index. There are other companies in town similarly situated. Are they all affraid due to FL and Disney speaking up.

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Good question!

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Hello! Are there are any good orgs that I can donate to that are focused on helping trans people get relocated to safer states?

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Also, that being said - if you happen to find of any good ones, please let me know! I live in Florida and have many friends who are desperate to relocate, but they just don't have the money to do so, and I've been trying to find resources for them.

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I suggest reaching out to the Trans Resistance Network: https://transresistancenetwork.wordpress.com/

Other than that, I'd call local queer orgs in cities in the worst states - literally just google "lgbtq support Miami" or things along those lines. They will be the best resource on where to send your funds.

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What are some things medical providers could be doing to get ahead of the curve re: these bills?

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What impact do you think the treasure trove of emails from the anti-trans groups and individuals will have on legislation?

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What do you expect to see happen with the DEA upcoming ruling on telehealth and controlled substances? I’m concerned about the requirement for in person provider care establishment when combined with laws which with increasingly limit care options - but I don’t see much talk about it within trans spaces.

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I hope Zooey is doing okay being a beacon and voice for all of us - that’s so much pressure for one person. I hope you all can care for each other in a way that prioritizes yourselves above this work even tho it is so important. YOU BOTH are also very important just because you’re you. Please take good care of yourselves. 💖💖💖💖🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️💖💖💖

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so much this!!

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Hello Erin, I am new subscriber, but have been reading your email updates for about 6 months. Your work is so important and done with such excellence, I decided to support! My husband and I have 3 children in their 20s, two of which are transgender. We live in the South which is becoming very stressful for our family. We have begun plans to uproot and relocate as the conditions here are starting to affect the mental health of our kids. They need to be somewhere they feel safe. A friend of mine who also has a transgender son surprised me yesterday by saying they are leaving Tennessee next month! They will put their house up for sale but rent in Colorado and pay for both homes as long as needed - just to escape the effects of the attacks on his mental health. What are you hearing in the trans community about this trend? Are people planning to move to blue states or out of the country all together? We have begun researching the safest places to live abroad.

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Florida resident here. I know 4 local families who have already left, and there are at least 9 more that are either seriously considering it or making plans to do so. And my sample size is small.

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Curious too what the numbers look like but I do know two families in my small city who have already moved before any of the bills have passed here, Indiana is s just too red and their kids MH was suffering (HS kids).

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You've watched countless hours of hearings and debates. Have you noticed anything that's particularly effective when people are giving verbal public testimony against anti-trans bills? Any tips or advice - what works, what doesn't, what to focus on, how to handle the stress, etc?

Thanks for all you do! Your work is incredibly helpful and encouraging.

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Hi Erin- I've been a free subscriber for a few months and just upgraded to paid. Thank you for all that you do! I have 2 questions: 1) Does FL SB254 apply to people visiting the state? We have a transgender child and visit my elderly grandmother in FL once or twice a year. But the wording "present in the state" gives me major pause. Of course EVERYTHING in this bill is awful, especially for FL residents. On the plus side- my republican grandma is hopping mad about it and is calling her representatives about it this week! 2) How can we keep track of what happens after these bills are passed? For example- which medical bans have gone into effect and which ones are tied up in court?

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@Sam, Erin will be busy for quite sometime keeping up with all the bills in the courts.

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I've been watching the massive pushback against these anti-trans bills in so many states and am wondering, how many actual people are pushing this legislation forward across the country? 1000 people? 2000? I think of this especially as I wonder about which states will be/are safe to travel to, as a trans person (i.e., how much anti-trans sentiment exists in each of these states that have passed care bans?)

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Aubri, There is an insightful article on Mother Jones called "Inside the Secret Working Group That Helped Push Anti-Trans Laws Across the Country" published March 8, 2023. A lot of this seems to have started in SD with Senator Fred Deutsch who assembled a group of people to start this anti-trans hate-filled garbage across the nation. What shocked me was that many legislators passing these bills don't realize that it is outside forces pushing these bills and isn’t coming from an in-state grassroots support system.

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Hi Erin! I rely so much on your research and reporting that I subscribe twice with two different emails! I live in Texas (yuck) and I'm really concerned about Texas SB 1029. Has there been any movement on that one? BTW, I did see that the house leader put out his list of priority bills and none of them are about us, so that's some good news, but Dan Patrick apparently really hates us, so I guess we'll see. 😐

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Is there super current data on public opinion on all this b.s.? Anyone tracking this over time ? Though it *feels* like society is hating us more, the rhetoric and lawmakers are also just real loud. Can’t tell if it’s a few loud folks or public opinion worsening.

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I was just thinking about this this morning, so happy you’re asking this question. I hope there’s space to talk about this and how we can collect pertinent data to determine which way we are heading as a society

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Do you know if there any places internationally for trans people to apply/request asylum? With all of the vitriolic hate aimed directly at us in the US, I am so scared!

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I am also interested in this. I don’t want to abandon anyone, but I need to keep my kids safe so I can concentrate on this work.

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What's your current take on the likelihood of bills passing that specifically try to criminalize trans mental health care? I know such provisions have been seen in bills, but that so far they end up getting removed. However the way some of the language is broadly worded, I worry still. As a trans person in Texas, working on her masters of clinical mental health, and who wants specifically to focus practice on the mental health of trans people, I've been trying to gauge what the outlook might be.

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