And doubling down, the New York Times’s David Brooks calls Dr. Cass “the hero the world needs today.” I can’t begin to describe how angry I am. I’m pretty sure puberty blockers and a strong support system saved my son’s life. Thanks to gender affirming care he is completely male presenting and won’t need more invasive top surgery. He is a sweet, popular kid, yet the other day he told me sometimes he wishes he’d never transitioned. This is not because he has doubts or regrets about transitioning—the kid cried on his second birthday because he thought that’s when his penis would grow in. It is 100% because of his fear of what is happening in America right now and it breaks my heart. We have done everything we can to protect him and they keep changing the goal posts. It’s terrifying and the misinformation being spread because of political agendas is maddening.

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Your story shares the goal and your anger I support wholely. I don't read the NYTs, but noticed that article headline and author on twitter. It only took the headline and Brooks name to enrage me. I'll keep trying to support and fight as I'm able. 🫶🏼✊🏼🏳️‍⚧️

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"the hero the world needs today", the hyperbole in that statement is just so over the top it's to the moon. He must write book jackets and scripts for the shopping network as his day job.

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Thank goodness for your true parenting skills and love. You are one of the few who haven't been blinded by the B. S. It's important to note that regardless of how good the parents are things are much tougher in most of the world outside of North America and Europe.

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Yes that article was unfortunate.

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May Dr. Cass tread barefoot on legos everyday for the rest of her life.

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My surprised face is very surprised.....

I'm definitely going to continue helping to keep the pressure on the Cass Report. Sadly, regardless of a positive outcome, there is harm now because of this report.

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Apr 19·edited Apr 20

HAH! Ha I say! It turns out she doesn't have the guts to bury her reputation lower than Andrew Wakefield's for the sake of politics. Ha I say again!

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Great reporting, Erin! Thank you for staying on top of this (and everything else, too) 💞💞

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I too noticed that tweet concerning the this morning The Kite Foundation interview. I'm so glad for your and others work to keep information going and inspire action.

I found it confounding how neglectful anyone accepting the Cass Review is behaving. It's causing a lot of anger. Though action to stop the harm is all that's going on with my hopes to counter any of it. I hope my concerns continue to inspire my political representation to value my contact contributions. I share the value of trans affirming healthcare descriptions Erin shares and I've read and heard.

I'm aware of a school district that's going to discuss gender identity support. The discussion started already and I'm not aware by whom besides the district officials? The public comment meeting is what I'm aware of and my vigilance about sabotage is on high alert.

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The Cass Report is the UK's Iraq WMD report of the 2020s.

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Yes - except it was 2003. :-)

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Thus the parallel :)

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Excellent reporting of deceiving and underhanded techniques to join political ideology in order to taint and miscue the results of studies being conducted.

Thank you Erin for exposing this agenda to warp the truths and infuse politics to control our communities.

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Only a full retraction is going to stop her from becoming the next Wakefield. Must be something in the air or water in the UK.

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I was laughing with a buddy of mine who studied abroad in England, and I said, "God needs to create a big arc, put all evangelistic right-leaning Christians onto that arc and set it off to sea forever." All he could say was 'Indeed' while chuckling himself. There seems to be nothing to stop the misinformation-train from running amuck all over the world.

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Bless you for your work!

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Good! I hope the bitch is struck off!

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Hello Erin,

I just heard Meghna Chakrabardi of NPR's "On Point" interview Dr. Hilary Cass. Lots of BS flying. This is on May 8, 2024. I'm furious. Is it possible for you to get interviewed yourself on "On Point"? Or create some other high profile waves at NPR? As you know, NPR, like the NYT is respected and influential and therefore creates a lot of damage. Thanks for all you do!


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Readers may also be interested in https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-68863594 if they haven't already seen it. This is Dr Cass responding to "misinformation" being spread about her report, possibly an interesting comparison with the comments to the Kite Trust.

Oh how I would love to see Dr Cass interviewed by a well read trans person on this topic. Maybe Erin should enquire?

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deletedApr 22
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Your opening quote is noteworthy for yet another reason: The report pushes - perhaps not in so many words but effectively - for psychological counseling as a prerequisite to if not an substitute for puberty blockers, HRT, or related therapy. I defy anyone to cite a psychologist or psychiatrist who will give a "percentage chance" of such counseling for any particular individual "being successful."

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deletedApr 22
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Re purpose of puberty blockers, I recall a research paper (which I am too lazy to run down now but can if needed) which openly declared that they were not about "curing" or "preventing" gender dysphoria, but to lessen and if possible avoid the extra emotional stress of experiencing puberty while the question of the individual's gender identity is still open.

Which raises another question for me: What is the point, as I have seen called for, to delay puberty blockers until 18, at which time puberty is generally complete? Isn't that like "Don't call the EMTs until the person is dead?" Or "Ignore the stop sign until you're through the itnersection?"

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I decided I would look it up. The study was "Puberty suppression in adolescents with gender identity disorder: a prospective follow-up study" (de Vries et. al., "The Journal of Sexual Medicine," Volume 8, Issue 8, Aug. 2011).

The link is https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20646177/, which also refers to similar studies.

The quote was "Puberty suppression by means of gonadotropin‐releasing hormone analogues (GnRHa) is used for young transsexuals between 12 and 16 years of age. The purpose of this intervention is to relieve the suffering caused by the development of secondary sex characteristics and to provide time to make a balanced decision regarding actual gender reassignment."

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So, who actually wrote this report then? Who signed off on it?

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