Thank you for the article, Erin.

I'm very happy that you also included the ultimate hypocrisy that anti-trans narrative has created: they highlight how terrible it is to be a detransitioner, yet they respond with passing laws that directly results in vast amounts of people getting forced to detransition.

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Spot on!

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Thanks for debunking anti-Trans nonsense, Erin. It’s just that I fear all these laws forcing detransitions will be upheld by politically fanatical judges, especially on the SCOTUS. That’s why Trans people are being persecuted now, because the neonazi GOP smells blood and need to take it out on the most vulnerable enemie du jour.

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Yep it’s always Chloe. I was there when she spoke at the Medical Board meeting in Orlando (the one where they flew in all the same detransitioners and allowed them to all speak, but barely any of us from Florida were able to)….. I overheard her before excitedly telling the woman who organized it all that she “just loved” doing this so much. As the parent of a trans girl here in Florida this disgusted me. It was like this was all fun and games to her as she helped push a narrative that would take away my daughter’s essential, life-saving care. From meeting her, I feel like she is a sociopath.

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It feeds into the narrative, that kids are being manipulated and even groomed, by non-relative adults, as if merely being a resource to a person, using your best judgment to help, is pushing an agenda. We all know that's bullshit, but this is a subject that people have a hard time understanding, many times. Ironically, it's the way they are feeding the phobes' irrational views that is where the manipulation comes in, from the anti-trans (AKA anti-LGBTQ) crowd. I will confess that I believe affirming care isn't required to live as a trans person, but it saves lives, for goodness' sake, isn't that the paramount reason for it, people to live free as themselves? I am not going to take this without the seriousness it's due, this is a battle for the soul of the modern world.

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The hypocrisy, unbridles hate and adherence to pseudoscience and outright lies by the right wing is difficult to tolerate. The lack of significant support and exposing of these lies and the relative silence of the majority or allies is painful to say the least. Why more reporting of this by the media or more specials showing the truth is not done is being complicit. "Fair, balanced and unafraid" is a cruel joke by Fox but applies to much if not most of our news outlets.

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The New York Times is an appalling case in point. More anti-trans Opinion columnists coming on board.

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They continue to lie about the rates of "detransition" because they know that if they tell the truth, it will be crystal-clear that they are targeting, shaming, and excluding children and youth for existing as their true selves.

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They have pulled out all the stops, but that tends to have an equal and opposite, and maybe more than equal, reaction. They're daring us to, but they don't know what they're dealing with. They've isolated themselves (but then, maybe that is what they really want).

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Great article, Erin, thank you!

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Blatantly unprofessional, irresponsible, I would wonder if not *actionable*, work by this TV organization, in Australia. It's precisely this kind of nonsense, that is aiding and abetting the phobes. And hurting, ruining the lives of, people, especially kids and those without support. I support the freedom of journalists, but if their misleading content jeopardizes the public, I question whether they aren't liable for that.

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Excellent article. There is no “detransition wave” simply because the vast majority of trans people who’ve accessed best practice medical care are happy, even delighted, for the chance to live as their authentic selves. Full stop.

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Just posted this to our education/ awareness raising FB page for our nonprofit in Kansas called "The 802 United". Can't wait to block and delete the troll comments, but it's worth it to spread the TRUTH!!!

Keep up the good work, Erin!

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Thank you for doing this! I used to live in KS, now on the MO side. As a Mamma Bear with 2 gay children and a trans-daughter, I'm glad we're fighting together against extremism.

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Excellent, as usual, Erin! Your point in the final paragraph is so well-said.

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The most vulnerable people, in a generally vulnerable group, are being *targeted*, as an attack on the entire LGBTQ community and allies, and disguised as anti-"woke" (not that "woke" is actually bad, of course). It's a regression of culture, that will not be permitted to win the day.

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Australian here. I'm so sorry about this vile program. We do not have the antipathy that I see in the US and UK and openly transphobic political candidates have very little support but it hums along as an 'issue' when they're short on material. I didn't see the show, nor hear anything about it until now (and I consume lots of news) so know that it has not been widely reported or followed up. Thank you for your work, Erin.

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And here's a follow-up: a woman whose photo was used without her consent has called the show out and received a public apology.https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-09-04/grace-hyland-trans-tv-episode-channel7-/102810318?utm_campaign=abc_news_web&utm_content=link&utm_medium=content_shared&utm_source=abc_news_web

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And more people coming to say Channel 7 used their photos without consent. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-09-07/more-transgender-people-speak-out-against-channel-7-spotlight/102825886

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Erin, do you have a "tips" address? If not, it might be useful. I have something I've noticed that is probably worth a story. I'd rather not state it publicly in a comment yet. (I am not a nutjob.)

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I now actually send it with my sign up thank you email to paid subs, but its venmo: @erin888.

Also KoFi for those with paypal: ko-fi.com/erininthemorn

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Sorry, meant it in the context of 'news tips.'

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Thank you once again for your great perseverance digging the truth out of the pile. Can you help us understand why all these politicians get to keep pushing lies through the court system without punishment? Their lies are destroying the lives of so many people; isn't lying under oath and submitting untrue evidence perjury?

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Has Jamie Reed, the medical provider from Missouri who betrayed the medical privacy of patients, faced any legal or professional consequences for her abuse of her patients?

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