Of course the brief is based on the testimony of parents, not the kids themselves. Of course it is. And then they veer into medical quackery with attributing it to Lyme disease of all things. (I know Lyme disease is real but some so-called medical professionals believe in chronic Lyme disease, which they diagnose based on a questionnaire and that they say can't be detected by the traditional lab tests.) And strep throat? Really? If that were true, there would be a LOT more trans people in the world. As for the whole social contagion/manga angle, it seems to me that a lot of people, kids and adults alike, learn things about themselves by reading or watching characters that resonate with them. That's just life. Thank you Erin for continuing to expose the absurdity of the arguments presented by the anti-trans crowd.

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Lyme and strep would make practically everyone trans. The level of dumb from these bigots never ceases to astound me.

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This brief would be laughable if it weren’t terrifyingly in the hands of this corrupt SOCTUS that has the power to rule in favor of these bigots.

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My God. How?! How is this actually happening in 2024?!?! If this were 1950, maybe. But. I'm at a loss for words right now. And reading what those "parents" are doing to their kids is truly heartbreaking.

For those of you that had anything less than the full support of your family, YOU DESERVED BETTER. You deserve to be treated as the amazing, wonderful, creative individual that you are. So, here's a huge virtual hug from this very proud Mama of an awesome trans teenager. Wish I could truly hug every single one of you IRL.

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Its a brief, and to counteract it we need more trans people to testify in the same type of brief. What we need is a body of evidence submitted to the court that shows that there are millions of people who benefit from transition, so these assholes paying 4 people to say they were miserable or testify for their underage children are drowned out by the truth.

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Cus the bigots from the 1950s raised the bigots that are now in power.

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These parents are child abusers who don't care if their trans children are dead, full stop. They're about as cruel as Elon Musk towards their trans children.

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That checks out. I had strep as a child, and I read a manga once, and now I'm trans. Obviously.

I just hope these same people can put the same diligence into affirming the connection between car seats and left-handedness. Or between eating broccoli and green eyes. It's time to put an end to such scourges.

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True facts: Sailor Moon made me trans.

Okay maybe not exactly, but it helped me discover my queer and trans identities. It’s pretty upsetting that some people see this as a bad thing.

Also I’ve never had strep or Lyme disease, so we can rule those out as contributing factors for me.

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Sailor Moon rocks.

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So absurd, so insane, such a lie, so hateful, so bigoted, such bullshit, so obnoxious, so frustrating, so tiring. I told everybody they wouldn't stop for shit, because they're doing this under everybody's noses, no matter what the political climate is. Since too many of them have 0 understanding of who we are, they want to believe that crap, put our lives in danger, and make the country afraid of us.

Why don't organizations like the ACLU or HRC file lawsuits against those Christian Nationalists? It's defamation of an entire community who is anything BUT political. They're the ones who drug us into this to push an agenda and try to win elections. Could it be that those organizations feel the same way which is why they're just watching our lights get punched out without lifting a finger?

This makes me furious and disgusted. Like others are saying, if that crap makes people trans, almost everybody would be like us. Therefore, it's a dangerous lie. I thought conversion therapy was deemed illegal and dangerous. Since when can they get away with pushing something like that again?

Never mind the last question. I just found this that explains what's going on with that state-by-state.


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Part of me thinks that the such BLINDINGLY one-sided perspectives and RIDICULOUS post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacies introduced by this Amicus brief may actually HELP the justices rule against these bigots.

But then I remember that things like logic, stare decisis / precedent, and relying on peer-reviewed fact-based science are merely inconvenient historical artifacts of previous non-activist courts, and need not be applied by the current Extreme Court. I dread what the 6 robed christo-fascists currently on the court could do to ruin the lives of trans kids nationwide, just as science had achieved a treatment plan that would forever improve their lives....if only the bigots weren't hell-bent on legislating us out of existence.

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They left out the space lasers.

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"It also attempts to attribute their children's gender identity to various potential “causes,” none of which have been proven by any study to lead to gender dysphoria."

In other words, they pulled these theories out of their asses which is exactly where they belong and where they should be returned.

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My wife was diagnosed with chronic Lyme disease 22 years ago. I won’t get into the “Lyme wars” here, but I can assure everyone that it has not made her trans.

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Welp, I picked up an issue of Ranma 1/2 at a free comic day when I was a kid, guess that explains everything!

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Ah Ranma 1/2, legit one of the greatest egg crackers of our generation 😆

Now we just need Animorphs to get a reboot and those 2 can continue their reign of being shared egg cracking experiences for more and more generations to come 🤣

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What? D&D doesn't get any of the blame this time? These parents are slacking!

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I’m going to message my doctor and asked to be treated for Lyme disease and strep throat right now.

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"...experiences of parents of eight transgender youth, who claim that transitioning either harmed their children or that their children no longer identify as transgender."

The usual anecdotical, bullshit "evidence" against transgender care as opposed to hard scientific facts that actually support it. A usual tactic of transphobes.

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I always wonder about Supreme Court cases and whether it makes sense for the public to appeal

to the court with letters. Anyone know?

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