Oh no she is... being considerate of others? They just can't be anymore obvious about what they really believe in. Empathy means absolutely nothing to them. I'm really hoping this deranged behavior pushes more people on the fence towards voting for Kamala. Her campaign could certainly capitalize on it.

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I mean basic human decency isn’t part of their playbook

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Basic human decency is "woke". And you KNOW how much they hate that!

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I can't imagine being able to get my head so far up my own ass that I'd think excessive politeness on the part of a person vying to become the nation's top diplomat is a bad thing.

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But of course DJ's obsequious followers didn't mind his being the opposite of polite to a disabled person even in the 2016 campaign. This is who they are.

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They want a boorish ass for a leader, who yanks peoples' arms out of their sockets to prove who's got a manlier handshake and elbows his way past other world leaders to be in the front row at a photo-op, because that's what they think strength looks like. They're dead wrong. The strongest leader is the one who shows the most restraint when they're dealing with the boorish ass. Every time we watched one of our allies' prime ministers talk with that man and not punch the tacky spray tan right off his face, they were showing more strength than the modern GQP has in their entire party.

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My favorite quote during these times. “There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism (anti-wokism) has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”

Isaac Asimov

Parenthesis is mine

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Asimov is one of my childhood favorites. :)

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I'm feeling a LOT better about the 2024 election than I was last week. That sense of overwhelming dread is gone. Watching the Trumpers flail and wail and gnash their teeth as they try to figure out an attack against VP Harris is hilarious. They don't know what to make of her. But women are going to turn out for her especially now that abortion is going to be one of the main topics of her campaign. And Black women especially are going to turn out for her.

We've got this!

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Also people who said they wouldn’t vote for Biden.

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I feel relief too, but there is still a lot to be anxious about. Polls show that in the crucial battleground states, Trump still outpolls VP Harris. I’m hoping that with some intense campaigning, she can turn that around. It seems to me the way to do that would be to highlight abortion and project 2025 as key issues.

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She's only been candidate for 24 hours. Give her a minute to get on the horse and start riding to victory! Right now the MAGA world is flailing about because all their anti-Biden plans just went up in smoke. And the only way they can attack her is with racist and sexist tropes. That's going to turn a LOT of people off.

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I’m stoked! Have been since I heard (Sunday). Of course they’ll try to shame her. They’re afraid now. WE’RE NOT GOING BACK!!!

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Let me see if I understand this correctly.

They are saying that people should not vote for Kamala Harris because she is polite and has good etiquette???

Then again, I can see how accepting any proper behavior is an implicit condemnation of their guy. 🤷

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They have nothing and they know it.

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They got their bigotry and that is enough for some of their supporters.

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Lmao I read this headline and was like “that’s it?” That’s all they had? Pronouns and accessibility? Oh no!

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Donald losing to a woman of colour would be super sweet!

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Absolutely....look at what he went to when he lost to a white man. I am enjoying the fact that they bashed Joe for being so old and now he is ancient...I can at 74 say that. :)\

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Boy oh boy! They sure come out swingin with that one, huh? 🙄 🤣🤣🤣

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Honest question, has Biden ever stated his pronouns or added similar context for disabled people present? Either way this is a massive W, and it's hilarious to see.

Harris is looking like a pretty solid nominee, as a progressive Australian I wish her the best of luck.

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Ever notice how much "Woke" sounds like "We got nothin!'"?

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Feeling more hopeful already!

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Bigotry is all they’ve got!

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Let the debates begin! I am breathing easier.

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They've played all their greatest (s)hits already, and it hasn't even been twenty-four hours. It's all so eye-rollingly predictable. I'd ask if they have any new material at all, but conservatives haven't had a single original thought in living memory.

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I remember seeing one person trying to use a Harris laughing compilation as a criticism but I was just like "okay cool she's down to earth when she needs to be that's good"

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Bernie Sanders for VP

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Bernie is great but he's also 82. We really need to normalize politicians retiring by 70 at the oldest.

The elderly should not have the percentage political control they currently enjoy. They will be gone by the time major policies they pass affect the world. They've also shown in many cases to support policies that help themselves rather than others.

That's regardless of policy, party, or if they're on my side. We need younger politicians in general (though I do prefer they're liberal/progressive)

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The campaign contributions that our next President Kamala is receiving should be enough to scare sh*t out of the haters.

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