My daughter wouldn't be here without gender affirming care. Thank you as always, Erin.

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I can't believe bigots like Dr. Cass are in positions of power over the groups they hate. How does society allow this? It's soul-crushing. This is more than enough ammunition for bad-faith actors to ban healthcare for trans people, even adults. What can we even do against such hate? :(

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So trans people under 25 are now considered as adolescents for the purposes of gender-affirming care? What nonsense. Could there be a more blatant form of discrimination. This is straight out of the mouths of organisations like SEGM and Stella O’Malley, who have been pushing to prevent people under 25 from transitioning for years. It’s no surprise to see the Catholic Medical Association involved, since similar Christian orgs have been funding SEGM et al for years as well. There is nothing scientific about this review. It is ideological and intellectually bereft, based on cisgenderism and transphobia alone.

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"Protect the children!" is only ever a way to test the waters for more and more government intrusion into what should be entirely private matters. Now, we're seeing it proven again- having achieved some success in taking away trans kids' care, now the bigots are taking the approach of re-defining young adults as children so they can steal their healthcare, too. If they get 25, then 30 will be next, and if they get that far, total bans are sure to follow.

I'm willing to bet this will become a lead-in to attempts to raise the voting age, as well, if it succeeds- both over there on TERF Island and back here in the Divided States. Conservatives know they're losing the youth vote, and losing it badly; if they can find a way to purge everyone under 25 from the rolls to stave off their own irrelevance for another generation, they'll do it without a second thought.

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The New York Times just published a Pamela Paul column in which she cites the UK study as proof for her disinformation claims.

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The skew with which Dr. Cass and the committee approached this seems like fairly obvious confirmation bias. The implications of multiple sections of the report are framed by, as Erin notes, ignoring a considerable amount of research, providing specious critiques, and drawing conclusions without sufficient evidence.

Overall, like many of the reports of this nature, it will only serve to add to the “misinformation,” which the report itself notes, are rampant.

One cannot say that each individual must be treated as an individual, while simultaneously invalidating the positive impact of gender-affirming care which is shown in the data.

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I saw reporting on this from the Guardian last night. Not surprisingly, their piece didn't mention any of the issues with Cass and potential bias.

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They want to be able to cherry pick the studies that support or do the least to oppose their agenda. Apparently only three studies out of over a hundred were considered useful to cass. I just can't fathom the bias and lack of integrity of so many supposedly scholarly researchers. You've got to be seriously disordered to be able to blind yourself to the reality right in front of you. No conscious for thee.

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Thank you for bringing this out in to the open.

It’s funny, they actually have it backwards, for me, dysphoria caused depression and anxiety while I was growing up. I’m happy that I’m finally able to start unraveling the mess this caused with my mental wellbeing. As for being influenced, it must have been all of that internet use I had back in the 1980’s that made me this way. 🙄

This is just another “professional” agency that takes bits and pieces of information, that doesn’t represent the entire picture or is completely wrong, and uses it to push people who are already struggling with life even further down. This won’t stop transgender people from existing, it will just force people to perform unsafe DIY transitioning.

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The UK has in many respects been a disaster for trans people, especially trans youth. The mount of transphobia there is staggering. While the US is far from perfect, I actually think I prefer to be here - by a considerable margin.

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As a pediatrician, I am intrigued that an adult aged 21 years in Florida (18-21 nationwide and in most of Europe) can consent to tubal ligation or vasectomy, but not to hormonal treatment? What???

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Apr 10·edited Apr 10

Thanks again Erin for such a rapid (and powerful) rebuttal. Or rather demolition job.

Depressingly this is the sort of journalism that has been lost in Britain. Not one media outlet (including the state broadcaster) seems to have even read the report, or at least some of them would have seen the “trucks and dollls” nonsense and got a bit suspicious…

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Thank you for this takedown. I spent a lot of time today wading through the review articles and was very overwhelmed. From my daughter when discussing their throwing out all the studies. “Why haven't we had people jump out of planes, half with parachute and the other with a backpack full of rocks, how can we know parachutes work without a double blind study where neither the jump instructor nor the jumpers know who has a parachute and who has a backpack full of rocks.”

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I'm not going to lie, living in the UK gets scarier every day.

I sometimes don't know what to do anymore.

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Cass should not be referred to as a Dr. She's retired from practice, she's a political operative and this is a political document not a serious medical document. These assholes revel in misgendering and dead naming. They deserve no courtesy. Their preferences in that respect should be ignored.

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Trash like Mr. Hilary Cass and Miss Patrick Hunter are deeply troubled individuals. What motivates such dogs to insert themselves into the deeply private and personal medical decisions of people, including adults? Projection? Their own fears and anxieties associated with sexual orientation and gender roles? And how do you police social transition? Does Mr. Cass plan to stand at the entrance of Macy's women's department and make sure only certain people can browse and buy? It's fucking madness. No one cares about any of this and it's only an "issue" because of dogs like Cass and Hunter stirring up manufactured outrage.

And after the Vatican - the world's largest pedophile ring - weighed in yesterday on gender and IVF, cis women should realize that these are all coordinated attacks to protect the privileged positions of white men.

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