None of us will be safe anywhere if a Republican wins the White House in 24.

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As a Californian, I greatly appreciate you letting us know that this attempt to put hate on the ballot is happening. I would hope we can organize and get in front of this to kill it in the signing stage. I'll be contacting my local pride center and I suggest other Californians do as well. Let's find a way to get the word out so no one signs this atrocity.

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I can't even imagine what it's like to be Chloe Cole. The amount of misery she has heaped on the trans community, especially trans youth, will follow her forever, no matter what she does or where she goes. It wasn't the fault of the trans community that she made shitty decisions. It's only a matter of time before she kicked to the curb with the likes of Jenner, Buck Angel, and that traitor Erica Anderson, et al. She's just as young and impressionable now as she claims she was as a transitioning teen, but now she sees her allies as phony patriots, Nazis, and liars for Jesus. If she wasn't running all over the country collecting her grifted expense funds from the pockets of the religious right, I'd almost feel sorry for her. Almost.

When she puts on her victim hat and hits her solo detrans testimony circuit, and looks out at the sea of trans people and parents of trans kids staring back. It's hard to get your head around the level of arrogance it takes for her to believe that she is a better judge of what's right for the trans community than actual trans people.

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Not sure Chloe isn't actually trans. She has acknowledged she still has gender dysphoria. Also if you watch her testimony from Ohio there is a very long pause when she is asked by a legislator if she wished she would have had more push back before receiving medical intervention. She indicates she would not have responded well to "gatekeeping" but wishes she had received more information on potential medical complications. She is very young and I wish she could see that what she is promoting is not only gatekeeping but wall building for others. However I hold the right wing anti-trans machine more responsible. My educated guess is that she is being used and manipulated. She never criticizes her parents, and her parents are not joining in the testimony... I imagine there is much more to this story.

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The large majority of trans people are happy with their medical decisions. The small number of people who aren’t should not be spokespersons for the rest. Even though this awful initiative may not pass or get enough signatures, California seems a little less long-term safe to me than it did just a few days ago.

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Screw them. I'm in California and there's not a chance in hell these ballot measures win, even should they get them qualified. Most Californians are staunchly behind the LGBTQ community. What a colossal waste of time and money. Shame on them.

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Jessica, this is today's press release: "Attorney General Bonta Announces Lawsuit Challenging Chino Valley Unified School District’s Forced Outing Policy". So happy about this! Many of us in the Inland Empire have been trying to push back against the bad governance of Temecula and Murrieta school boards. We are giving them hell!

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So glad to hear this!

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The Republican party truly deserves the truly deserving and historical beat down in the next few elections. Something big has to happen to break the fanatical base into fragments

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If only there were a more rational, realistic approach to life that doesn’t require believing in the supernatural....

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If these people didn’t have hate they wouldn’t have anything. I wish their sad existences would not have such a great impact on all the rest of us folks who are happy to accept folks as they are.

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Erin, or anyone actually, how can I help spread the word?

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I am wondering if they’re hoping opposition to it will get lost in all the Trump trial chaos. Either through voter fatigue or unawareness.

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