Both my therapist and HRT prescriber told me about “high levels of regret” when I started HRT. As you’ve mentioned before, this is incorrect. Doctors shouldn’t be spreading misinformation around about trans healthcare.

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Florida going full authoritarian.

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This is absolute insanity. Can someone please get the Human Rights Council at the UNITED NATIONS involved? How can this be legal anywhere in the US? I’m frankly getting more pissed by the day that the Biden Administration only gives lip service to this, but nothing else.

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Nobody will save us but us.

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Does this mean a noncustodial parent could move to Florida in order to abduct a transgender child living in another state? I would not put that past some vindictive exes.

This is nauseating.

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And also! SB254 would make it legal for my son's (non-affirming) parent to make a report that they *think* that I *might* provide gender affirming care to our son, and use that to obtain full custody. currently we have 50/50. So yes, this could absolutely up-end family law in Florida.

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I'll say that at this point, it's unclear, if you're strictly talking about situations where one parent has full custody and the other has none. If you're talking about situations where the parents share custody, then yes. They would be able to do that.

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Surely this breaches constitutional accepted law? How are they getting away with this? Do you think we’ll see legal challenges against Floridas unjust legislation?

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And they're getting away with it because they CAN. Who's going to stand up for us - DeSantis appointed judges? This Supreme Court? Living where I do, I do not have a SINGLE elected representative - at any level, even the most local - who would defend trans rights. In fact, my state congressman is one of the worst in the state for anti-trans bills.

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I’m so sorry Ellie, sending hugs, love and strength for the coming fight. The UK is not far behind you, so I feel your pain ❤️

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I'm so sorry. <3

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There are multiple lawsuits against existing FL laws already, and attorneys are primed to file more when the new bills pass. Southern Legal (which is nonprofit) is the one I'm most familiar with, but I'm sure there are more. Here's a page listing many of their active cases: https://www.southernlegal.org/news

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I’m so freaking 💔 day in and day out. 😞

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