Dec 25, 2022Liked by Erin Reed

Thanks for all you do, Erin! Merry Christmas and all the very best for a fabulous New Year!! Hugs, Dee.

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I used to follow you on Twitter, still do, in fact, but I was so surprised to see you again on Substack. I am the mother of an adult trans kid, and while I can't say that I am relieved by the ongoing situations you report, I am grateful to know about them. I hope you family of friends and you will share a real holiday tomorrow...thanks for what you're doing.

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Thank you, Erin for the heartfelt digital Christmas Card. I signed up recently because I have seen your content on the Facebook social media platform. Best wishes to you, and your loved ones for a safe, healthy, and prosperous holiday season, and new year. Together we will succeed.

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Merry Christmas, Erin. Blessings and love for the New Year.

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I am a post op m2f (2001 at 55). My2 children have continually struggled with me having to leave the nuclear family; overall the are handling it. .y former spouce, to this day, will not be caught dead in same city with me (the same can be said with many all of my former friends. Life for on. Pronouns: e/em/eir

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