
This is stunning y'all.

I can't begin to stress how damning this is for SEGM's entire model and reputation.

That it was clearly formed in this fundamentalist working group specifically to create new standards of care, that it did so in Florida with SEGM members, shows profound academic corruption.

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Mar 10, 2023Liked by Erin Reed

These people are despicable in their overt hostility & their covert methodology. We need to expose them thoroughly as the frauds and liars they are. Thank you Erin for consistently making every new piece of information clear & available!

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Mar 10, 2023Liked by Erin Reed

This makes me absolutely sick. They are threatening my rights as a parent to make the best evidenced based, informed medical decisions for my child, by forcing their beliefs on us all. I knew religion was the basis for all of the bills, but to see it in black and white is disgusting. It’s like the Dark Ages.

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You are amazing Erin!! AMAZING

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Mar 10, 2023Liked by Erin Reed

This break is going to help litigation immensely, no? We all knew this was happening, but now here is the evidence. Disgusting, but good news for dismantling this insanity. I hope.

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Mar 10, 2023Liked by Erin Reed

I wonder if the lesbian TERF community realizes that they made a deal with the devil. If trans people are eliminated as they desire, the LGB community is more than likely the next target of discrimination based on religion. Or are the TERFs really that stupid???

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It’s quite possible that the TERF’s are that stupid!

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We can now compile a list of law firms to protest internal studies show these firms have two classes of clients the first the evangelicals these are serviced pro bono via ADF and the like but they have their own clients that do not know and MAY not agree with their anti-trans status , there are also a nice list of doctors that can be reported as quacks on dr review sites many of these sites don’t ask if you are a patient or not

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Mar 10, 2023Liked by Erin Reed

Does anyone have a version of the PDF that's broken apart into separate emails, so it can be read by normal email software? I might write a script to do it, but I'm curious if anyone else has done it yet. Trying to follow the PDF version is kind of frustrating.

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Mar 10, 2023Liked by Erin Reed

Thank you for exposing this corruption Erin, your work is keeping me sane.

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I scanned through this whole doc they laugh at transgender people at health care workers and conclude the email with blessing it’s like out of the handmaids tale so tempted to email some of them but what good would it do

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Mar 11, 2023Liked by Erin Reed

Thank you for the breakdown. I am preparing for our testimony when this comes to SC and this is very helpful. I've been trying to also Zinnia Jones' twitter thread. I appreciate your work on this. Y'all are awesome.

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Hi Salley I don’t know your role in the SC case but it might be relevant to call out any ADF witnesses and ADF will be there who are known to be conspiring, obviously they can’t claim impartiality

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Yes, I actually did find a pdf version and am slowly going through it. I’m basically a parent advocating for my non-binary child. But, I also happen to be the daughter of a political cartoonist, so politics have been a big part of my life and I find all of it fascinating as well as and horrifying. SC hasn’t yet started debating the bills but we know it’s coming soon.

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South Carolina Senate is hearing “experts” on March 23rd at 9am on bills S623 and S627 (this will be broadcast live), and will hear public testimony on March 29th at 9am. I plan to watch on the 23rd and testify on the 29th.

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That good do they take testimony from out of state

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I’m guessing they will but I may try to ask the state Senator leading the effort for the Dems as to who might be the “experts” on the anti-trans side. I think the thing we have going FOR us, if anything, is the fact that most of the people FOR gender affirming care are in the state, and most of the folks against are out of state and possibly connected with these groups like ADF. However, that doesn’t mean much with some of these folks. Just look at what happened in Kentucky.

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Mar 11, 2023Liked by Erin Reed

In one email, the writer signed off with "Under His Wings" - you cannot make this stuff up.

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This is tremendous evidence for a federal court case I’ve been advocating for over a year. These laws egregiously violate my 1st Amendment rights in two crucial areas: 1) My freedom of speech and expression is obstructed; and 2) an extremely flawed theology is being imposed upon me As law.

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I see a class action lawsuit in someone’s future!

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Yes , but you need an injured party which means someone has to be refused care , doesn’t seem right does it

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I don’t know about adobe but preview on Mac will create an index of the emails I am finding this really useful

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I am working on an article too but it’s going slow because I am getting so angry , I converted this to a 6 mb csv file that makes it easier to search and have been selecting key parts . What gets me is the arrogance of these people like they have a God given mandate to stop people from transitioning reminds me of the Klansman that walks up to the pulpit and says reminder the lynching is right after services conclude by that oak tree in the church courtyard

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Let us know when you have an article. Thanks for your research on this as well.

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