I stopped hearing anti-transgender remarks from family members by no longer speaking to family members who make anti-transgender remarks. I wonder how many other people in that 39% who haven't heard those remarks in the past year can only make that claim because they've lost relationships due to transitioning.

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I am cisgender, 74 years, and I too removed family members who make anti-transgender remarks or refuse to be loving and inclusive. Actually a few may have removed me before I had the opportunity to ghost them. My brother-n-law refused to ride in my car because of my bumper stickers. A person I thought of as a friend was relocated to the "never talk to again" group as she mentioned she does not agree but will be nice. I told the friend that our friendship was not working but if I should run into her I would try to be nice. Kai you brought up a great point about the 39%. Can't measure those that don't speak up.

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You're not alone Kai and you're part of our family now.

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We are currently going through another Lavender Scare, like in the 1950s (which coincided with the Second Red Scare of the United States).

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Thanks for the explanation, Alex.

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No problem. There's a Wikipedia article about it (though it doesn't do the topic justice and, as usual, Wikipedia takes a centrist tone compared to left-wing sources):


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Say more about this. Never heard of it. I was just a baby in the 1950's. I will look it up even if you don't say more. But for those who don't like to research, please do, Alex.

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The Lavender Scare coincided with the Second Red Scare of the 1950s and targeted mainly "homosexuals" and "transvesites." Many from government or public sector were fired en masse. Some were executed, I believe, or attacked by the Klan or right-wing forces.

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For the record, the First Red Scare was during the 1910s to 1920s and attacked mainly anarchists and then communists.

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It's good to see that some data is being complied although this can't be seen as representative of the broader spectrum of reality given that only 87 people were questioned in the poll. So extrapolating out from the 87 respondents to 1.5 million trans people is a bit extreme. We definitely need more polls that are conducted across wider areas including states that have not enacted bills limiting care.

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Gaza isn’t the only Genocide the US is causing (though this is more so the states than the federal branches (except the judiciary)).

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Rather be here than Gaza regardless, but I really pray the sentiment of "voting for less genocide is still voting for genocide" doesn't take hold and supercharge this going into 2025. I'd prefer not to have to flee the country.

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That 61% is heart breaking to hear. I live in a very progressive area and am lucky to have accepting family and friends, so I've yet to have any real direct transphobic commentary sent my way.

I know there are those of us that are not so fortunate and deal with more outward hate, but damn, 61% :(

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Living in a civilized area really drives home how absolutely absurd things are in the bad areas. I can't imagine what our siblings in those places are going through, and I have no desire to experience it.

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I thought about sharing this but a survey with 87 respondents is not going to hold up to scrutiny. The brutality is real. We need to get our stories out there and recognize safety in hiding is a dangerous illusion.

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This news is heartbreaking. Of course I’m grateful for Erin’s reporting, but I just wish the news were better. As others have noted, opponents ultimately want to eliminate adult trans care. They’ll stop at almost nothing to do that. The kids and their care are just a stepping stone for them.

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Of course it was never totally about trans youth. They been gunning for all of us this entire time. I did say that last year, but people are underestimating the GOP. "We tried to tell ya!" I hate being right about that, and hate even more saying it. Who are people listening to and why do they think those people will ever play fair? Even down to these polls. Liberals have a messaging problem ... right along with Dems. The GOP has got mainstream media by the nuts and we have no method of disseminating information on a broad scale. Better figure this out, folks. We're getting run over. And, "may play a role?" It did play a role in everything we're seeing.

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I absolutely agree that the GOP has the clear advantage on messaging. They are getting their platform heard all over the place, from the mainstream news to FOX, Twitter, the WSJ, the New York Post, Breitbart, Rush Limbaugh, Hannity, Drudge Report, Christian Science Monitor, The Hill... I could go on. What do we have? -crickets- Ummm… The New Yorker? MSNBC (which, btw, leans much farther towards center than Fox does), The Daily Show?! 🙄 We used to be able to count the NYTimes, but lately?

How do we fix this?? I haven’t really heard anyone talking about this. Liberals have a messaging problem, among many, many other issues.

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We stay, fight, speak, demonstrate, advocate and run for local offices and then some. What I think is being pushed down our throats is the idea that these politicians work for us. They are supposed to but they don't. They tell us they speak for the people but it's becoming clearer all the time that they do not. The vast majority of the populace does not think along the lines of all the anti trans legislators, nor are the vast majority even terribly concerned about trans people which can be good or bad. If we don't raise awareness while we still can bend their ears, then it will be a bad thing but if we get their attention, show them how we are just people like them and that those "in power" are absurdly misusing that power, misrepresenting the opinions and will of the populace we stand a chance to remove these people from power. If we want to rid ourselves of archaic lawmakers and their one way thinking (their way or no way) we need people to hear our message, that our message isn't just about trans rights, women's rights, minorities rights but about everyone's rights only then do we have a chance to make it better BEFORE it gets worse. It's about those in power keeping that power, keeping people oppressed and subjugated while they get richer, fatter and older off our servitude to their whims.

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Sorry, I don’t like using my phone for much of anything. I hate texting. If anybody knows me, they know I’m not sitting back for anything. I was responding, not solving. Poking holes & thinking of all the grand standing folks are doing in here. The only fighting most people are doing is with each other. They regurgitate what they heard somewhere and come up with very little to fight the establishment.

Let me see if I can find this on my computer. Texting sucks.

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We are but a small percentage of Americans. No way do we have the power to do all of which you're saying ALONE. Since the LGBQ+ is allowing the T to take the brunt of this, we don't have the economics or numbers. And where have you seen more than 5 trans people protesting anywhere? Unless it's Pride week or Trans Day of Remembrance, in which lots of other people are around, but not protesting. They're partying during Pride.

Politicians haven't been about the people for at least 4 decades. It's become extremely obvious because of social media. The extremely rich are pulling all the strings and watching folks scramble right now.

Mainstream media is the issue and I don't know how we can get through to them. Folks are doing plenty in the background, but the target audiences are Trans or LGBTQ+ media outlets.

Raise awareness? Who raise awareness? You have to have relevance in this market to raise much of anything. Need practical solutions to these existing problems.

I know one thing. I'm too old to run for public office, and wouldn't do it even if I was young enough. Become a politician myself? OH NO, I'm not walking into that Den of Thieves. It's like becoming a lawyer thinking you can change the world and get sucked into the vacuum of bullshit around the law. Less so with healthcare workers, but it does happen there too.

Yes, a bunch of people are misusing their power and look like Mafia thugs to me. How do you stop thugs with lots of money & power? It won't be because of us, but this country is heading towards a very strange civil war. Get ready!!! Why not us? People are still talking, talking, talking, and not doing much of anything but flapping gums.

Where are you actually fighting anybody? Internet warriors won't get us out of this mess. Not this time, if they ever did.

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So what, sit back and give up? I mean honestly that's all I'm taking from this. Honestly so many of us feel as though we are fighting a losing battle in and of ourselves but does that mean we give up there too? No, because we have a purpose, we have a reason to exist. By and for that reason we continue to fight, to push forward. And maybe it is a battle I'll end my days fighting but at least I'll end them authentically and knowing in my own soul that I tried and fought as hard as I could for something I truly believe in; and by doing so just maybe I'll inspire someone behind me to do the same, to continue to fight for what's right, to hold fast to their convictions and some day maybe my example, our examples will be a reason the tides change. My soul won't die when my body does and will continue on with the same purpose whereever it goes. To fight for what's right and just, to teach, to learn, to love and live.

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You can take whatever your twisted mind chooses to take, and is exactly what I'm talking about. The fighting is within our community against one another, not the people who are blowing us up every chance they get.

I'm forcing you to think outside the box, and if you can't do that, you'll be left with what you could take away from what I said. I'm not giving up anything until I book a flight out of this crazy place. Critical thinking is needed here, responding, and not reacting. Actions are needed IN THIS LIFE, not after you die. What is coming down the pike requires it ... NOW. All you have is now. All I have is now.

If you're truly doing something besides flapping your gums online, then I wasn't talking to you. If the shoe fits, wear it. Hit dogs holler. I want people to come out with what they're doing ... not what they think. I, for one, feel a lot less "listened to" than the average white person around here. Why? Because this transphobia insanity smacks of the same racism I have lived with all of my life. Therefore, I'm not saying exactly what I'm doing to fight this, but Pres. Biden is tired of me sending him emails, as are my local congress people.

I fought for LGB rights in the 80's, and I'm fighting this now. Just not in the streets. I speak, write, make videos, etc. Folks just aren't on the same page, because we're not supported like the mainstream trans community. I'm raw, Black & real, and that scares folks.

Again, I say THINK OUTSIDE OF THE BOX! If what I said doesn't pertain to you, then why are you overreacting? Me thinks the shoe just might fit and that's why you're coming across sideways at me. Hmmmmmm....

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I actually didn't come at you sideways I was asking you legitimate questions and then spoke my mind about what I think and what I want to ultimately you know achieve from this. I also write I also make videos post videos I also work for advocacy groups I also work for support networks for people of the lgbtq+ community I am also on the street so I don't know how in any way I came across as coming at you sideways you were responding but you know I kind of thought the purpose of the discussion it was to offer you know potential solutions that other people could partake in since I responded initially to a question that was to put it shortly "what can we do?"

I have no desire to fight internally whatsoever it's just I wanted to respond to something that sounded like purely negativity and eventually you did respond with something more than negativity. So again I was not coming at you sideways in any regard ice simply took what you said to be only negativity and repeat I also did not include any comments about your mind that were derive such as the ones that you wrote about me. I'm not overly concerned about it because someone's opinion about what my mind is doesn't really bother me because I know what my mind is so with that being said continue to do what you're doing continue to be active I applaud you for it thank you for it

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Maybe we can bombard Maddow, Robin Roberts, and ummm, that Black trans woman who is a journalist. I think she wrote Pose. We need to get to those folks who are already celebrities. The way I see it, they're not putting much relevance in little people on social media. BTW, I have tried to get to all of those people I mentioned, but there are too many folks in front of them weaning people out. If a ton of us do that, someone may sneak in under the radars of the front-line people. Folks be listening to celebrities more than the average joe making a bunch of sense in these small pockets. Hey, Erin could get to them too ... or try. Bring people with her to back her up. It's not the time to be stealing all the thunder or all the attention/spotlight. Bring others up, and we can push them to higher heights. I wonder if Erin has an agent. Hmmmm...

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Sadly it will take years fighting in court to beat back these unconstitutional laws.

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I'm afraid so. Sigh

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My boys are still in Texas, but i fled to Denver. I love it here, but i really miss them. They're grown, but still.... I'm going to miss a lot by being so far away. 😿

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