Kentucky Rep. Stevenson Rebukes Anti-Trans Law As Protestors Arrested In Gallery In Surreal Scene
Representative Stevenson delivered a scathing rebuke on the House floor of SB150, one of the most severe anti-trans laws passed this year. Protestors were arrested in the gallery as she spoke.
A surreal scene unfolded in Kentucky yesterday as Representatives debated SB150, an anti-trans “omnibus bill” that combines several anti-trans bills in 2023 into a single bill. The bill had previously been vetoed by Governor Beshear, but Republicans passed the bill with a veto-proof majority. Outside, hundreds of protestors for transgender rights gathered to declare their opposition to the veto override. Inside, a chaotic scene unfurled as Representative Pamela Stevenson stood and delivered a scathing rebuke of her colleagues as protestors were arrested in the gallery, telling Republicans, “You have to ask yourself the question, why would they be doing that? Who are we to cause that? None of us said we would come here to hurt people!”
The bill was passed through arcane rule processes and tricks meant to squash any debate from Democrats. Previously, due to disagreements on the Senate side with the bill, Republicans attempted to pass SB150 in secret by announcing it with the microphones off during the House lunch hour. Democrats only learned about the hearing due to a few reporters being within earshot of the announcement. They rushed through the bill with only 6 minutes notice and passed it on the House floor without anyone being given time to even know what was in it.
Governor Andy Beshear vetoed the bill, stating that it would “rip away the freedom of parents to make medical decision for their children.” He further decried the provisions that would force teachers to investigate and report transgender students to their parents. He closed off citing the high suicide rates a bill like this could cause.
His message reached activists and lawmakers, who showed up to protest en masse. Outside, hundreds gathered to listen to leaders like Pamela Stevenson who led them in chants of “free to be me.” Then they moved inside to debate the bill. While Representative Stevenson delivered a blistering rebuke of her colleagues, members of the gallery were arrested as they chanted “Trans kids are under attack, what do we do? Stand up fight back!”
See the video:

Representative Raymond picked up after Representative Stevenson’s powerful message, calling the bill “inhumane and cruel.” As more people were led out of the chamber, she called out the out-of-state nature of the support of the bill, “We had all of these out of state Hucksters testifying for the bill, while hundreds of Kentuckians who opposed the bill were in the room, in the hallways, in our offices, in this gallery!”
She closed off by saying, “I have 500 friends here today in opposition!”
Republicans voted to override the veto anyway. The bill immediately goes into law. It is one of the most extreme pieces of anti-trans legislation in the United States. It forcibly outs trans kids to their parents. It bans gender affirming care for trans youth. It is a Don’t Say Gay bill, a student bathroom ban, a forced misgendering bill, and more. It even contains a cruel provision in it that tells doctors exactly how to medically detransition the trans youth under their care by systematically reducing their hormone levels. Because of its cruelty, a poll showed that 71% of Kentucky opposed it.
Gender affirming care saves lives. It is associated with a 73% reduction in youth suicidality and a 40% reduction in recent suicide attempts. The additional ways in which the bill targets trans people beyond banning care will only serve to harm these trans youth even more. Republicans seemed not to care, with one Republican, Representative White, calling it a “sissy bill” and wanting it to go further when he previously spoke in support of the bill.
Kentucky has joined 13 other states that have enacted bans through their respective state legislatures. Although some of these bills await gubernatorial signatures, it is anticipated that they will all be signed into law. Kentucky's bill, however, distinguishes itself as one of the most far-reaching in the myriad ways it targets the community. That is why people practiced civil disobedience anyway and 19 were arrested while protesting the bill. With the passage of SB150, Kentucky now ranks among the states with the most severe anti-trans legislation.
Thanks Erin. I appreciate you and your writing that keeps me informed. This day will be surely remembered for the courageous people who stood for the trans community. For them, you, I am grateful.
Thank-You so much for continuing to highlight our battle in Kentucky. I’m just one of many on the frontlines. I’m especially grateful that you chose to recognize the outstanding ally Rep. Pamela Stevenson is! I helped organize and spoke at the teen rally earlier that morning. If you or your readers would like to see more, my Facebook posts on this day are public at Bobbie Glass.